Sunday 16 October 2016

ISO License Management.

IOS License Management.

IOS  : Internetwork Operating Sytem.
Major changes : Version
Smaller changes : Release

Feature set : group of related IOS features ex:voice,IPS in security.

Features = IP Base , Security, Voice, Data , Video etc

Universal Image : all feature sets.
(different Universal image per Router model or model series)

Software licensing - Download rights , Software activation process.

Cisco ONE Licensing.(Newer easier to use )

Cisco License Manager.

Unique Device Identifier.(UDI)(each same Router Models)
Product ID (PID) and serial number (SN)

show license udi

PAK : Product authorization key. to activate a specific feature and receipt.

Cisco Product License  Registration Portal.requires PAK + UDI

show license udi > for UDI
Next enter PAK
Download license key file ,can be put on USB drive and copied 
to router via routers USB slot.
For remote routers use  TFTP,FTP or HTTP.

Manually activating a License.

Router#dir ?
  WORD     Directory or file name
  flash0:  Directory or file name
  flash1:  Directory or file name
  flash:   Directory or file name
  nvram:   Directory or file name

Router#dir usbflash1:
%Error opening flash0:/usbflash1: (File Not Found)
dir would show  USB flash drives if connected ....

Router#dir flash
Directory of flash0:/

    3  -rw-    33591768          <no date>  c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.151-4.M4.bin
    2  -rw-       28282          <no date>  sigdef-category.xml
    1  -rw-      227537          <no date>  sigdef-default.xml

255744000 bytes total (221896413 bytes free)
Router#show flash

System flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
  3   33591768 c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.151-4.M4.bin
  2   28282    sigdef-category.xml
  1   227537   sigdef-default.xml
[33847587 bytes used, 221896413 available, 255744000 total]
249856K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)

Router#license install usbflash1:*_*.lic

license install url

verification : show license ,show version

Rights to use license : 60 day evaluation
(after 60 days remain enabled , honor system )

Router(config)#license boot module c2900 technology-package ?
  securityk9  security technology
  uck9        unified communication technology
Router(config)#license boot module c2900 technology-package securityk9 ?
  disable  disable the technology

Building configuration...
Router#write ?
  erase     Erase NV memory
  memory    Write to NV memory
  terminal  Write to terminal


Router#show license feature
Feature name      Enforcement  Evaluation  Subscription   Enabled  RightToUse
ipbasek9                            no              no             no               yes           no
securityk9                          yes             yes            no               yes          yes
datak9                                yes             no             no               no           yes
uck9                                   yes              yes            no               no          yes

Removes the securityk9 feature set using:
Router(config)#license boot module c2900 technology-package securityk9 disable

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