Friday 29 January 2016

Stateless Autoconfig vs Stateful.

Stateless Autoconfiguration (eui-64)

1.Devices address themselves with link-local and global-unicast address.
2.Used : Prefix from Router  and hosts own interface MAC address.
3.MAC  changed by inserting FF:FE and inverts 7th bit from left.
4.For a Global Unicast IP , Router prefix is required.
5.For a Link local IP , the hosts MAC is enough.
   A Host/PC uses this method to get a Link Local Address itself.     

Example :
MAC address 0090:2716:fd0f
Router prefix 2001:0db8:0:1::1/64

Host IPv6: 2001:0db8:0:1:0290:27ff:fe16:fd0f

Note ff fe is inserted and in the 7th bit
from the left in the MAC  which is 0000 0000
is inverted and we get 0000 0010.
Binary 0010 is 2 in decimal.

NOTE FOR HOST TO GET IP , ipv6 unicast-routing has
to be enabled in the Router.On the Host use autoconfig
option as shown in figure.

Stateful is DHCPv6 theory is in Cisco Press Odom Books.

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